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The Lost Guardian Triology

Fleeing abuse and neglect, Erin discovers that there is more to her family than meets the eye.  Ancient prophecies, charming men, and magical beings will push her and her family to the brink.  Will Erin be able to fight for right to live in peace, or will her family be the first victims of a dark and terrible power?

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What people are saying...

This is a genre I rarely delve into but was convinced to read it. I found it engaging and the characters real. I appreciated the way the familiar/guide was portrayed in a unique way. I'm not a gore fan but like action and struggle in a story so this book delivered on that. The relationships were real and made the book interesting, believable and relateable. Families, magic or not, have struggles and it's members both fail and succeed. That's what makes the book a good read, it brings you into an amazing, normal family.
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